They Are Not Immigrants, They Are Friends Of Marco Rubio
Heads of Colombian drug traffickers are on U.S. soil
Donald Trump blamed immigrants as criminals, but if we look deeper, we find that former Colombian President Ivan Duque has an apartment in Miami. He lives there and attends meetings at Wilson Center. Then the big criminals rub shoulders with some U.S. politicians, such as Marco Rubio.
I posted the following video seven years ago, on September 4, 2017.
Fast forward to: 1:24:08
In that minute you will find the following segment where I mentioned Marco Rubio, Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Carlos Curbelo, as the US congress members who support Álvaro Uribe Vélez.
Marco Rubio in charge of the State Department is a close friend of former President Alvaro Uribe Velez linked to the Sinaloa Cartel, linked to the former Medellin Cartel, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia and today is the political leader of the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia or Gaitanista Army of Colombia or as it is known to the government, the Gulf Cartel.
Alvaro Uribe Velez not only received a million dollars from Chapo Guzman for allowing him to transport 10 tons of cocaine from El Dorado airport in a four-turbine plane since 2007, but he also sent a colonel in civilian clothes to receive narco money from Otoniel on a regular basis.
Alvaro Uribe Velez is a mafia boss of mafia bosses.
Likewise, Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro Altamiranda @EEZapateiro received one million dollars from Otoniel and also Anibal Gaviria Correa @anibalgaviria ex-governor of Antioquia with Miguel Quintero Calle received two million dollars from Otoniel.
In a three-year investigation by hackerFiscalia investigation teams in Colombia and Canada into former drug trafficker and former counter-guerrilla army member Dairo Antonio Usuga David also known as Otoniel, the contents of micro SD memory sticks found in his personal suitcase were publicly exposed. The flash drives contained 20 secret coordinates in two PDF documents and another 17 coordinates on printed maps.
This is the complete list of coordinates:
Coordinates of the narcostate on Google Maps:
20 coordinates in two PDF files with the names “libro” and “libro (1) [“book” and “book (1)]
book (1) [libro (1)]
7° 49’ 10" N75° 52’ 50"W my former president
8° 50’ 31" N76° 26’ 50"W miguel's things
6° 07’ 22" N75° 22’ 02"W AUV (Alvaro Uribe Velez)AUV
6° 29’ 35" N74° 25’ 22"W blacklist
6° 10’ 34" N74° 35’ 42"W My family
5° 36’ 32" N75° 48’ 48"W my paths
6° 24’ 54" N75° 42’ 22"W documents.Duque (former president Ivan Duque)
6° 32’ 53" N75° 55’ 21"W documents.government (Iván Duque's government)
6° 17’ 01" N75° 01’ 52"W Miss andrea (Juan José Valencia Zuluaga, also known as “Andrea or Falcon”)
6° 14’ 16" N75° 09’ 51"W My good friends
book [libro]
7° 34’ 23" N76° 41’ 16"W Zapateiro general (Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the former general commander of the army)
8° 13’ 42" N76° 23’ 26"W government of Antioquia
8° 31’ 28" N76° 48’ 59"W police commandos
9° 14’ 02" N75° 53’ 23"W my flights
8° 14’ 07" N76° 19’ 07"W my data
7° 39’ 10" N74° 49’ 26"W my partners from mexico
7° 56’ 12" N76° 37’ 22"W my italian friends
7° 56’ 00" N76° 39’ 41"W my northern friends (US and Canada)
7° 14’ 16" N76° 28’ 31"W My blonde friends (US and Canada)
7° 23’ 30" N76° 43’ 22"W My angel friends
17 coordinates found on printed maps
Degrees Minutes Seconds • Decimal Degrees
5° 28’ 00" N73° 21’ 15"W • 5.466667, -73.354167
5° 55’ 17" N75° 32’ 29"W • 5.921389, -75.541389
7° 07’ 07" N74° 39’ 49"W • 7.118611, -74.663611
7° 18’ 51" N75° 21’ 37"W • 7.314167, -75.360278
7° 27’ 30" N75° 19’ 45"W • 7.458333, -75.329167
7° 34’ 26" N76° 43’ 16"W • 7.573889, -76.721111
7° 34’ 44" N75° 22’ 57"W • 7.578889, -75.382500
7° 53’ 59" N76° 37’ 21"W • 7.899722, -76.622500
7° 56’ 13" N74° 49’ 31"W • 7.936944, -74.825278
7° 56’ 52" N75° 12’ 24"W • 7.947778, -75.206667
8° 07’ 32" N76° 43’ 32"W • 8.125556, -76.725556
8° 17’ 27" N76° 21’ 38"W • 8.290833, -76.360556
8° 20’ 43" N76° 27’ 18"W • 8.345278, -76.455000
8° 26’ 22" N76° 47’ 30"W • 8.439444, -76.791667
8° 42’ 47" N75° 56’ 44"W • 8.713056, -75.945556
8° 48’ 30" N76° 28’ 00"W • 8.808333, -76.466667
10° 52’ 18" N74° 47’ 37"W • 10.871667, -74.793611
In those coordinates, they found the location of safe houses where cocaine, boxes with dollars, weapons and more micro SD memory sticks were stored.
In the coordinate titled “my partners in Mexico,” Colombian authorities found the coordinates of the location of the home of Ovidio Guzmán, son of Chapo Guzmán, as well as the coordinate of Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, brother of Nemesio, also known as “El Mencho,” the top leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.
In the coordinate titled “my Italian friends”, the location of capo Matteo Messina Denaro, who was in hiding for more than 30 years and belonged to the Italian mafia La Cosa Nostra, was found.
Through the investigations of the Colombian authorities, plus the information published by @hackerFiscalia led to the removal of approximately 30 billion pesos, or about 7.1 million dollars, from drug trafficking during the government of Gustavo Petro.
If Colombians decided to leave Colombia for the U.S. in search of a better life, it was precisely because in Colombia we have had narco presidents, such as Alvaro Uribe Velez and Ivan Duque who did not care about the welfare of Colombians and that led to a massive exodus.
Then the massive exodus of Colombians to the U.S. was partly the responsibility of the previous Colombian government of narco-former-President Ivan Duque, including massacres of the civilian population during the national strike.
Officially Ivan Duque's narco-government profiled Colombians and indigenous groups in Colombia, as well as Colombians living in Vancouver and Montreal in Canada, Brussels in Belgium, Amsterdam and The Hague in the Netherlands, Paris in France and Bilbao in Spain.
For this reason on July 8, 2021, hackerfiscalia denounced in Canada the Colombian military intelligence of the government of Iván Duque, for terrorism, espionage and foreign interference.
Army infiltrated the April 28, 2021 national strike
That is to say that those drug trafficking heads are today in U.S. territory and they are the ones that cause the most damage. Colombian immigrants and immigrants from other countries in U.S. territory helped the economic development of the United States.
On the other hand, Luis Horacio Escobar Saldarriaga also known as 'The Invisible Octopus' former mafia boss of the ‘Black Eagles’ who sent threats through “emails assuring to retaliate against the Canadian embassy in Bogota in the next days” around June 14, 2008, was also important among those drug trafficking heads.
Article from the newspaper El Tiempo:
Canada denounces terrorist threat against its embassy in the country due to asylum for parapolitics witness
This was admitted by an authorized spokesperson of the Canadian government 48 hours ago to EL TIEMPO, although for security reasons he refrained from giving details about the intimidation.
Editorial Staff El Tiempo
18.01.2024 11:45Actualizado: 14.06.2008 00:00
He announced that, this time, from Ottawa -headquarters of his government- measures were ordered to be taken: “We have a security infrastructure in place to protect us as a government, our employees, our information and our property”, the official pointed out.
Although the issue has been kept under the most absolute secrecy - neither DAS nor the Attorney General's Office know about it - reporters from EL TIEMPO were able to establish that a group that signs itself as the 'Black Eagles' (second generation paramilitaries) has been announcing through e-mails that it will retaliate against that diplomatic headquarters in the next few days.
The witness and the leak
At the request of those affected, EL TIEMPO refrains from revealing the identity of the witness, as well as the names of the politicians he has already implicated and those against whom -he says- he has strong evidence.
What is concrete is that, although five months ago, the embassy had received a series of similar intimidations - on a par with other diplomatic headquarters - this time the situation is different.
“The information about the asylum for this family -says a source in the know- had just been taken and was only handled by a small group of high-level Canadian officials”.
Relocation of asylum seekers?
This fact would lead to the conclusion that the diplomatic headquarters had to be infiltrated - at least electronically - to gain access to this information.
Hence, the data relevant to the identities and location of Colombian asylum seekers have been physically and electronically protected and even the relocation of some of them is not ruled out.
Already, a month ago, Canada transferred Jairo Castillo Peralta, 'Pitirri' -star witness of the Supreme Court against at least seven congressmen- after the witness protection program of the Attorney General's Office warned him that two assassins would travel to assassinate him.
NGOs and another diplomatic headquarters
International investigation agencies, in alliance with a Colombian security agency, are not only tracking not only the Canadian case but also similar calls received by another diplomatic office of a European country and by at least five NGOs.
The Attorney General's Office, for its part, is trying to sign agreements with Latin American countries to receive protected witnesses. The idea, as explained by Prosecutor Mario Iguarán in Lima (Peru), is to broaden the spectrum of countries receiving refugees and to look for working and living environments more similar to the Colombian one.
But, for now, Canada, the main and strongest ally on the issue, is on alert.
More than two thousand asylum seekers each year
Currently, Canada is the main ally of the Colombian authorities in the protection of witnesses: it is estimated that about 14,000 nationals, including judges, former paramilitaries, guerrillas, journalists, trade unionists and former prosecutors, live in that country as refugees.
This number shows that Colombia recognizes that there is a humanitarian emergency in Colombia due to the conflict. In fact, the U.S. has become the second country, after Ecuador, in receiving Colombian refugees.
According to statistics kept by the Colombian embassy in Ottawa, in 2006 the Canadian government granted refuge to 1,200 Colombians, of the 1,400 who officially requested it. This diplomatic mission calculated the number of Colombian refugees in the last ten years at 8,000.
The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in our country has warned that the number of Colombian refugee applications in Canada has been increasing for the last four years.
According to the agency's figures, in 1999 there were between 400 and 500 applications for refugee status in Canada.
Today, the number of people seeking to leave Colombia for that country exceeds 2,000.
The Canadian government approves 75 percent of refugee applications from Colombia, a considerable figure considering that only 48 percent of applications from other countries in the world are accepted.
I personally denounced Luis Horacio Escobar Saldarriaga to Deputy Prosecutor Martha Mancera within Francisco Barbosa's office on March 16, 2020, but instead of investigating him, they decided to assassinate him with two shots in the back of the head and one in the head on Friday, October 8, 2020. On March 2, 2020 Mancera was sworn in as Deputy Prosecutor.
The reactions of his best friends were not lacking. Alvaro Uribe Velez AlvaroUribeVel, José Felix Lafaurie jflafaurie, his wife and ex-senator Maria Fernanda Cabal MariaFdaCabal, his wife and ex-senator Maria Fernanda Cabal MariaFdaCabal
Well-known cattle rancher murdered in the Bajo Cauca region of Antioquia
If Luis Horacio was not an important man for them, maybe not even Uribe, Lafaurie or Cabal would have taken the time to write about him.
Today I wonder how much they offered for his murder and who killed him? Before which all Colombia already knows that this assassination was ordered by his partner Alvaro Uribe Velez, because Luis Horacio said:
Luis Horacio always stated:
“If I am captured, I am not going alone to jail, Uribe is going with me.”
Gustavo Petro also spoke out:
Luis Horacio met at the Hotel Piscis in Caucasia with paramilitary block leaders, Alvaro Uribe Velez, José Felix Lafaurie, Rodrigo Alberto Zapata Sierra, alias Ricardo and Mario Uribe to plan murders, massacres, land thefts, forced displacements and drug trafficking routes.
On November 3, 2022, I filed a complaint with the Attorney General's Office of Francisco Barbosa about the shipment of 10 tons of cocaine made by Alvaro Uribe Velez to the Sinaloa Cartel together with Fernando Sanclemente Alzate. Eight days later, Claudio Javier Silva Otalora, an associate of Colombia's number one drug trafficker, Julio Lozano Pirateque, was found murdered with a rifle belonging to Ivan Duque's narco-government. The assassination occurred on Friday, November 11, 2022.
Julio, did not want his partner Claudio to talk about him to the attorney general's office and decided to silence him.
Very soon hackerFiscalia will be able to travel, if donations are enough, to recover 163 hours of secret video and audio recordings of Carlos Castaño, former-leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia talking to Alvaro Uribe Velez, two other ex-presidents and Pedro Juan Moreno among many others.
The following people may also be on the recordings.
1. Andres Pastrana
2. Cesar Gaviria
3. Francisco Santos Calderon
4. Jaime Garzón
5. Ernesto Samper Pizano
6. Horacio Serpa
7. Santiago Uribe Velez
8. General Rito Alejo del Río
9. General Iván Ramírez Quintero
10. General Mario Montoya Uribe
11. Coronel (R) Luis Alberto Plazas Vega
12. General (R) Mauricio Santoyo
13. Mario Uribe Escobar
14. Luis Horacio Escobar Saldarriaga
15. Jorge Noguera Cotes, exdirector del DAS
16. Luis Alfredo Ramos
17. Ernesto Báez
18. Jorge Luis Caballero
19. Eleonora Pineda
20. Miguel de la Espriella
21. Álvaro García Romero
22. William Montes
23. Luis Camilo Osorio Isaza
24. José Félix Lafaurie
25. José Miguel Narvaez
26. Claudia Gurisatti
27. Francisco José Piedrahita
International Companies:
28. Chiquita Brands International
29. Drummond Company, Inc.
30. Dole Food Company
31. BP (British Petroleum)
32. Cementos Argos (multinacional con sede en Colombia, pero con operación internacional)
Other companies:
- Banana producing companies
- Palm Growers
- Livestock
- Construction sector
- Energy sector
Uribe has denied six times in X knowing Carlos Castaño directly or indirectly, but the evidence says otherwise.
On the other hand Colombia's top drug trafficker Julio Lozano Pirateque and Jesus Hernando Sanchez launder money using emeralds through Fura Gems Inc. a Dubai based company based in Colombia, Canada and projects in Africa and Australia.
Julio's reaction against hackerFiscalia was to try to take down three websites based on fraudulent allegations and also used four hitmen to attack a member of our Colombian investigation team, but failed.
Julio Lozano Pirateque and Fura Gems Inc.: Dirty Money and Brutal Retaliation
The Japanese Yakuza mafia uses the Sumitomo Corporation as a front to launder drug money for the main Mexican cartels, Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación, among others.
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