EXCLUSIVE! MicroSD Memories and Otoniel's Secret Letters #SO2
Uribe, Duque, Zapateiro, the Antioquia government, police commanders, traffickers and international routes exposed
With my investigation teams from Canada and Colombia, after more than seven months of investigation, traveling 16,000 kilometers in 5 countries and with an investment of 113 million pesos, thanks to the donations from my Colombian social media followers (the first of US$5,354 and the second of US$6,179) and personal loans in Canada for US$14,000, we successfully achieved through #SpecialOperation2, to have access to the information contained in the three micro SD computer memories owned by Dairo Antonio Usuga David alias "Otoniel", who is currently being held in a United States prison.
The most important information found in the three microSD computer memories are two PDF files named “book” and “book (1), which in total contain 20 geographic coordinates (10 each) with latitudes in degrees, minutes, and seconds. north and longitudes in degrees, minutes, and seconds west.
Coordinates of the Colombian narco-state in Google Maps:
In front of each coordinate there is a description as we will see below:
book (1) [libro (1)]
7° 49’ 10" N75° 52’ 50"W my former president
8° 50’ 31" N76° 26’ 50"W miguel's things
6° 07’ 22" N75° 22’ 02"W AUV (Alvaro Uribe Velez)AUV
6° 29’ 35" N74° 25’ 22"W blacklist
6° 10’ 34" N74° 35’ 42"W My family
5° 36’ 32" N75° 48’ 48"W my paths
6° 24’ 54" N75° 42’ 22"W documents.Duque (former president Ivan Duque)
6° 32’ 53" N75° 55’ 21"W documents.government (Iván Duque's government)
6° 17’ 01" N75° 01’ 52"W Miss andrea (Juan José Valencia Zuluaga, also known as “Andrea or Falcon”)
6° 14’ 16" N75° 09’ 51"W My good friends
book [libro]
7° 34’ 23" N76° 41’ 16"W Zapateiro general (Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the former general commander of the army)
8° 13’ 42" N76° 23’ 26"W government of Antioquia
8° 31’ 28" N76° 48’ 59"W police commandos
9° 14’ 02" N75° 53’ 23"W my flights
8° 14’ 07" N76° 19’ 07"W my data
7° 39’ 10" N74° 49’ 26"W my partners from mexico
7° 56’ 12" N76° 37’ 22"W my italian friends
7° 56’ 00" N76° 39’ 41"W my northern friends (US and Canada)
7° 14’ 16" N76° 28’ 31"W My blonde friends (US and Canada)
7° 23’ 30" N76° 43’ 22"W My angel friends
According to intelligence work in each of the 20 points, the presence of paramilitaries with rifles and the army working together has been observed, transporting boxes of approximately 80 x 90 cm. Due to this circumstance that occurred today, December 1, 2022, it has been observed that they are moving from those coordinates to another place and that is why I decided to publish this report to prevent them from continuing to act with impunity.
According to investigations on Zapateiro, it has been shown that he has belonged, since joining the army, to battalions related to paramilitaries, especially in Urabá, Antioquia, which is the center of paramilitarism in Colombia. Also in the department of Magdalena where there has also been an important presence of the paramilitaries.
According to an investigation on the coordinates related to Álvaro Uribe Vélez, it can be seen that he is located in the municipality of Rionegro where Álvaro Uribe has accumulated great power throughout his career. There is even one of his main estates there.
At the end of this investigation, although it should not surprise us, it is striking how within the computer memories of a large drug trafficker and paramilitary such as Otoniel, pop up the names of former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Iván Duque, Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the ex-commander general of the army, Antioquia government, police commanders, traffickers and international routes.
We hope that local, national and international authorities, as well as human rights organizations are interested in this report and continue to deepen the investigation. I am willing to cooperate with national and international authorities, including the prosecutor in Otoniel's case, United States Attorney for the Brooklyn court, Breon Peace, to provide any information that is necessary. I will continue to do an in-depth investigation on this matter.
Letter from Chiquito Malo to Otoniel – 1
Sir, we'll make up for the big hats. Full money was given to them.
The gentleman from Bogotá also has it ready and sends his regards. He gave us all the information about those we want to get out of the way, "the man on green" [emerald miner, military or police] [Otoniel appears in audios referring to Julio Lozano Pirateque, a powerful unpunished and free drug trafficker, who with Otoniel have been in charge to assassinate the drug traffickers in Bogotá who they consider to be their competition to take over the entire drug trafficking business in Bogotá. Julio Lozano Pirateque, would be in charge of the business]. Things with Andreina [Juan José Valencia Zuluaga, also known as “Andrea or Falcon”, currently in prison in the US and is one of the top drug traffickers of the Clan del Golfo. He controlled the departments of Sucre, Magdalena, Bolívar, the Atlantic coast and a large part of Antioquia and Urabá Antioqueño. Possibly the banana routes to transport drugs] are strong and then you will say what we do. In this matter you give us the order and we act. [There was a situation of rivalry between Andrea and Otoniel, due to Andrea's great control and power in the drug-trafficking business. Also because Andrea started collaborating with the authorities]
I gotta go and take care sir, while the lawyers say what we should do.
A hug,
Ha, I forgot. I am attaching in another message the name of the large hats that we have on the list. [High-level members of the Police, possibly commanders]
Letter from Chiquito Malo to Otoniel – 2
Sir, we have all the hats [police] from Antioquia to the coast, but in any case it's time to take care because they can't control everyone. The matter of the governor [According to investigations, it is possible that they refer to the governor of Antioquia, since “antioquia government” appears in the memories found or some governorship of the Atlantic coast. It is good to remember that the UNIBAN company owned by the current governor of Antioquia Aníbal Gaviria, has been immense in multiple drug transports in their banana boxes and one of the ports they use is the port of Santa Marta. It is also important to remember that the Fyffes company that distributes UNIBAN banana boxes in the US and Europe, its president is Tomonori Wada and its CEO is the Irishman Helge Sparsoe, from the Japanese Yakuza mafia, which implies that there is a deal at the highest level so that this drug trafficking remains unpunished and protected by camouflaging it in the business market] is down because things did not turn out as we thought and we were alerted and then it got out of hand and we cannot burn ourselves. I have to look at how we do it in sending after Santa Marta. [It is possible that they also have control over the port authorities to carry out drug trafficking] We cannot trust that port too much.
Looks like he betrayed us.
Take care of yourself,
The Japanese Yakuza mafia launders money from other drug cartels through the Sumitomo Corporation conglomerate. Sumitomo also appears as a company that takes the pensions of Colombians and reinvests them. They have quite a good business.
For the military, police, intelligence agents, CTI, DIJIN, Gaula, journalists or those who are interested in exploring the coordinates SAFELY, I recommend that you buy one of the following three Satellite GPS which are the ONLY ones that have MULTIBAND FREQUENCY with several satellites and offer a precision of a radius of 6 feet to the searched coordinate, that is to say quite precise.
Buy the Garmin GPSMAP 65s which is the most accurate.
If you can't find this, then buy the Garmin GPSMAP 65 or also the GPSMAP 66sr. Those are the ONLY three most accurate models on the GPS market today.
Here I share this article in English from Garmin where it explains why these three models of Satellite GPS are the most accurate on the market.
Be very careful that there may be coves with information, treasures or mass graves. It is recommended to take a Sonar “SOund NAvigation Ranging” or “Sound Navigation” to scan the ground. It is a technique that uses the propagation of sound to navigate, communicate or detect objects submerged in water or on land. Remember that there are several types of Sonar depending on the humidity and texture of the soil.
I have just reported these events to the US State Department, the Canadian RCMP and the Australian government. I also filed a formal complaint with the nation's attorney general, supreme court of justice, nation's attorney general, national police, national intelligence directorate, to President Gustavo Petro @petrogustavo requesting urgent raids to be carried out at all 20 coordinates and prosecution of the former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, former president Iván Duque and the former general commander of the army Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro among others. I also notified some international media.

This #SpecialOperation2 was quite expensive, dangerous, and difficult. However, the two donations (the first of US$5,354 and the second of US$6,179) through a fundraiser called vaki from my followers were not enough and I had to ask my friends for a loan in Canada for US$14,000. I have to pay that money and if you want to help me I would really appreciate it. I don't want to be completely broke, but I do feel very happy about everything we achieved.
Here you can help me pay the loan: https://vaki.co/OE2DEUDAS
Here you can sponsor me monthly if you want: https://vaki.co/es/vaki/hackerFiscalia
Here are all the links to donate: https://www.hackerfiscalia.com/donaciones
A big hug to all of Colombia! This result of #SpecialOperation2 is a Christmas present for all Colombians, followers, donors, sources, investigators, and collaborators who participated with great effort in this investigation.
Thank you very much!